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Service Overview

Ensuring our clients have nutritious and delicious meals is of the utmost importance. Homestyle meals are prepared with care and can be delivered fresh or frozen. Our friendly volunteers who deliver the meals offer a smile and a security check, if we are unable to reach you we will follow up with your emergency contacts to ensure your safety and well being. 

We’ve also made it easy for our clients to cook for themselves. Our volunteers can go grocery shopping for a client or provide a ride to the grocery store. We’ve restructured our grocery shopping service to eliminate the waitlist and increase the selection of shops for our clients. This is another example of how we’re innovating to improve our services.

An older woman with a shopping cart in front of a fruit aisle

Grocery Shopping

Our drivers can shop with your list, or escort you one-on-one to the grocery store, based on your needs.

Meals on Wheels

Hot or frozen, tasty, and nutritious meals delivered by caring volunteers, help you to stay healthy in your own home.

Service Spotlight

Meals on Wheels

What goes into making a nutritious, homestyle meal? Take a peek behind the scenes with our Red Seal chefs in our on-site kitchen.

Learn How We Can Help



physical health

Physical Health

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Social Wellbeing

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Help at Home

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