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Who can benefit?

People who have limited options for transportation to local or out of town medical appointments.

A smiling young man and a smiling older woman in front of a car
A smiling female volunteer

Service Overview

Let us know when you book an appointment, and we’ll do the driving! Our friendly volunteers will pick you up, ensure you make it to your appointment, and take you home again.

Service Details

Simply call our office to arrange a convenient intake appointment. From there, you just call our office whenever you need a ride and we will arrange a time with one of our dedicated drivers.

  • This service is offered in Cambridge, Kitchener, and North Dumfries.
  • If you live in Waterloo, we can connect you to Waterloo Home Support’s transportation services.
  • There are fees for this services. Please see the fees for services page for pricing information.


A smiling older man opening a car door
An smiling older couple in the front seats of a car

It means I don’t have to phone so many people to take me to see my husband. People ask me why I come so often to see Ed – I go see him to know that I’m still connected. I still have a purpose.


Client: Transportation


  • Will the driver wait for me while I’m at my appointment?

It depends. Our drivers are scheduled to either provide transportation with both ways or may be scheduled to drive one leg of the trip.

Scheduled both ways

    • The driver may wait in the parking lot until you are done.
    • If your appointment is scheduled for one hour, the driver might have a 30-minute lunch break scheduled during this time.  They may drive somewhere else during this time or eat while waiting in the parking lot.

Scheduled for one leg of the trip?

    • The driver will not wait for you.
    • They are scheduled to drop you off and move on to another client’s request.
  • Will the driver be able to come into my appointment with me or pick me up from inside my destination? 
    • No, our drivers will only provide door-to-door service, which means that they can accompany you to the door, but they cannot come in with you.
    • If you require assistance beyond the door of your destination, we encourage you to ask a family member, friend, or support worker to go to the appointment with you as an escort.
    • There is no service charge for an escort.
  • I received a call letting me know you couldn’t provide me with my requested ride. What do I do now? 
    • It’s important to have a backup plan in case we are not able to fill your ride request.
    • A family member, neighbour, friend, or taxi would be your next attempt. 
    • If a cancellation occurs that allows your request to be filled, we would connect with you.
    • Some clients choose to re-schedule the appointment.
    • Our rides are filled based on volunteer and vehicle availability.  Rides are not guaranteed.

Learn How We Can Help



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Social Wellbeing

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Help at Home