CSC’s role in my life means my children don’t have to worry about me.
This feeling of independence has changed my life in so many positive ways.
Community Support Connections provides life-changing services for our clients, allowing many people to stay in the comfort of their homes. We help give them the independence and dignity we all want in life. The services we offer are customized to a diverse client group that includes caregivers, older adults with diverse abilities. We set the bar when it comes to quality but we know there’s always room for growth. It’s why we’ve adopted an innovative business model to help advance our services and increase our financial sustainability. We’ve implemented a sliding scale for service fees to ensure our services are affordable for everyone, while maintaining our high standard of care. And we’ve invested in new technology to deliver faster service as we grow to meet the needs of the community.
Community Support Connections offers services under four areas: Nutrition, Physical Health, Social Wellbeing, and Help at Home.
Eat well, stay healthy, and have the energy to do what you love with our convenient services that will also save you time. Our Nutrition services include Meals on Wheels and Grocery Shopping.
Feel good, get out more, and engage with others by participating in our exercise and fall prevention classes. Classes are free, and offered throughout Waterloo Region or in the comfort of home – based on your needs. Listen to music, meet new people, and stay healthy.
Our Physical Health services include Exercise and Falls Prevention.
Community Support Connections helps you stay connected to your community. Our caring volunteers can give you a lift to the store, stop in for a visit, give you a call to check in, or introduce you to new friends. Life can be challenging – we can lighten the load. Like a friendly neighbour, we’re here for you.
Our Social Wellbeing services include: Caregiver Support, Device Lending, Friendly Connections, Friendly Visits, Reassurance Calls, and Transportation.
Need a hand around the house? We offer homemaking and home maintenance services to help keep things as you like them. Prices are based on your income level to ensure that everyone can take advantage of services that will keep you comfortable at home.
Our Help at Home services include Homemaking, Home Maintenance, Snow Removal, and Yard Work.
CSC’s role in my life means my children don’t have to worry about me.
This feeling of independence has changed my life in so many positive ways.